The Diamond Offer has two versions: Diamond and Diamond PLUS.

Diamond has no printed resources supplied with it, apart from a set of posters. Facilitators need to print off Activity Sheets for each student for each session. These are usually four sides of A4. Diamond PLUS has all the printed resources shown in the flipbook on this page, including a bespoke A4 ring-binder and inserts. The only thing facilitators need to print off are the session plans.

At the heart of both versions are 30 videos, average length fifteen minutes, many of which feature people with additional needs in paid employment. These not only inspire your young people to help them believe they can get paid employment, they also show them the practical pathways to the all-important job interview.

Many organisations run the programme over a full year, but not necessarily an academic year. There are schools, for example, who start it with their year-10 students in the summer term with the introductory sessions (one session a week), and move into the main part of the programme when they’re year-11 students in September.

Who benefits from this?

Both versions of the Diamond Offer are designed for young people from level 1 to 3, often living with autistic spectrum conditions and sometimes with co-existing support needs around ADHD and/or mild learning disabilities, and/or mental health issues. They will often be at mainstream schools and colleges and some will be at specialist provisions. Some might find any type of formal educational too challenging at be at home. The typical Diamond user will have reasonable internet skills and be able to use job-search websites.

Both versions of the Diamond Offer are ideal for students from year 10 to year 14. People in their twenties and thirties in day service settings can thrive too.

How much does it cost?

The Diamond Programme is offered at £220 a year for as many students as you want to take part. For each session you are supplied, via email, with a video link, a session plan and an Activity Sheet for your young people, usually four sides of A4. You print off the number you need depending on how many young people there are in your group. You are also supplied with one set of A3 posters that are posted to you. These form an essential part of the course.

The Diamond PLUS Programme is offered at:
        £100 per young person for a group of six or lower.
        £92 per young person for seven to fourteen participants.
        £85 per young person for fifteen to twenty-four participants.
        £75 per young person for twenty-five and above.

For the additional investment, what does Diamond PLUS offer in terms of printed resources, and how do the programmes work in practice?

Please open the flipbook on this page to find out.

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